louet victoria

How to Fold + Unfold the Louët Jane Loom

Louet S15 that just had a tune up

Troubleshooting your Louet S17 spinning wheel: fitting the footman bolt assembly correctly

Louet - Afremleertje monteren/Mounting the brake band

Spinning on Louet

Overview of the Louët S17 Spinning Wheel- great for beginning spinners!

How to attach the Louët S10C Scotch Tension Flyer

Louet - Excentercup vervangen/Replacing the footman connector

Louet Footman and bearing cap repairs

Vintage Louet Spinning Wheel

January 4, 2019

About the Louët S10C Connectors

lws autowinder spinning on the louet

Louet S10C Flyer Led Assembly

Ladybug told everyone who is under the mask of Cat Noir! Ladybug in real life! #trending #treding

All About Table Looms

Spinning Navaho Churro wool on my Louet S10

Flapping Drive Band on New LE Louet S90 Spinning Wheel

The Louet s17

Spinning mohair and wool roving on a Louet spinning wheel

Learn about the Louët Scotch Tension system on the S10C

How To Spin Yarn On A Spinning Wheel the First Time

TdF 2017 op de Louet S10

Plying yarn on a Lendrum Spinning Wheel